The Phenomenon of English-Indonesian Code Mixing as a Trend in Indonesian Pop Music Industry

Shita Dewi Ratih Permatasari


This study discusses the phenomenon of code mixing as a trend in the Indonesian pop music industry, which in its development period has experienced a rapid increase over time. Indonesian song texts in the current context, estimated to start in the 2000s until now, many use English-Indonesian code mixing. With this phenomenon, the music industry in Indonesia seems to be running a new trend that is indirectly seen as a "habit". Qualitative methods that emphasize on observing phenomena and focus on processes and meanings are used to understand the code mixing phenomena that have been identified in a number of Indonesian pop songs by linking them with Bourdieu's habitus theory, the role of the Indonesian language in the post-New Order era and the concept of using English in Indonesian according to Munsyi. The results show that there has been a habitus in the Indonesian music industry that gave birth to a trend of English-Indonesian code mixing where this code mixing became a phenomenon in the music industry as a form of new habits, but still could not be separated from the historical factors of the role of Indonesian language during its development.


Phenomenon; Code Mixing; English-Indonesian Songs; Trend

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