Analysis of Rice Supply Chain Performance Using the Supply Chain Operation Reference (Scor) Model and Analytical Hierarchy Process (Ahp) Method (Case Study: CV. Meutuah Baro Kuta Baro Aceh Besar District)
Rice is the main food crop in Indonesia because most of Indonesia's population consumes rice as a source of carbohydrates. The supply chain (supply chain) of rice from producing regions to large markets is controlled by experts. This study discusses how the rice supply chain system in CV. Meutuah Baro and see how the rice supply on the CV. Meutuah Baro if analyzed with the SCOR model and AHP method. This research was carried out in the CV. Meutuah Baro in Kuta Baro District, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province. This research method uses descriptive analysis and supply chain performance analysis is carried out with the SCOR model and AHP method.
The results of this study indicate the activity of members of the rice supply chain structure in the CV. Meutuah Baro consists of farmers, CV. Meutuah Baro, a large rice trader, a retailer of end-consumer retailers, and rice retailers as a direct distributor to end consumers. While in the supply chain performance analysis CV. Meutuah Baro consists of three attributes, namely reliability is the value of the attribute with the best weight (0.99), the agility attribute produces sufficient results with a weight value (0.55), and the responsiveness attribute is the lowest profit value attribute (0.27). Based on the classification of performance standard values, the results of a comprehensive assessment of the rice supply chain CV. Meutuah Baro shows a sufficient value, which is 64%.
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