A Meta-Analysis: Factors Affecting Students’ Reading Interest in Indonesia

Andri Pitoyo


The increasingly intense industrial era competition needs to be balanced with the ability to process and utilize various sources of information. One of the efforts that needs to be done to obtain this information is indeed through reading. However, the data shows that the interest in reading especially students in Indonesia is still very low. Many factors affect. One of them is the technology that makes students distracted by using various media only for entertainment and social media. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to analyze the things that affect reading interest. The method used is a meta-analysis research by reviewing 15 articles in national journals that were updated starting in 2018, 2019, and 2020. The research results showed that there were 3 things that influenced reading interest. They are literacy, technology, and library infrastructure. Reading literacy is an important factor in fostering interest in reading while library technology and infrastructure are supporting media in motivating readers. The presence of technology is utilized in supporting readers through a variety of familiar media such as smartphones. The use of the internet is positively directed as an effort to improve reading. The completeness of facilities and infrastructure such as the library is also a major factor so that the reader becomes comfortable and interested in reading.


Meta-Analysis; Reading Interest; Literacy; Technology; Library

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i7.1727


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