Role of Employee Satisfaction and Organizational Commitments in Improving Nursing Performance in Mataram City Regional General Hospital
A person's performance in an organization can be influenced by many factors, and the level of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The objectives of this study are: (1) To analyze and measure the effect of job satisfaction on the performance of nurses in Mataram City Regional General Hospital. (2) To analyze and measure the effect of organizational commitment on the performance of nurses in Mataram City Regional General Hospital. This research is a causal quantitative study. The population in this study were all nurses as many as 121 people. Data collection tools in this study were questionnaires. Data analysis and hypothesis testing of this study were conducted with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. From the results of the research and discussion above, then the conclusions from the research that can be taken are (1) There is a significant influence of Job Satisfaction on Nurse Performance in Mataram City Hospital. (2) There is a significant influence of Organizational Commitment on Nurse Performance in Mataram City Regional General Hospital.
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