Analysis of Student Interpersonal Intelligence in Mathematics Learning: Case Study Junior High School State (SMP N) in Sukoharjo

M Anwar Rivai, Mardiyana Mardiyana, Isnandar Slamet


Interpersonal intelligence is one of 8 Gardner's intelligences. This intelligence is the ability to assess and understand the needs of others, and act according to their ways of managing interactions with someone. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to analyze the eighth graders' interpersonal intelligence in mathematics learning. Research subjects were 49 students from SMP N 2 Sukoharjo and SMP N 2 Baki. In this study, data were obtained through an interpersonal intelligence questionnaire based on three aspects namely social sensitivity, social insight and social communication skills. The results of this study revealed that in SMP N 2 Sukoharjo 31% had interpersonal intelligence in the "high" category, 38% had interpersonal intelligence in the "moderate" category, and 31% had interpersonal intelligence in the "low" category. Furthermore, in SMP N 2 Baki 26% had interpersonal intelligence in the "high" category, 39% had interpersonal intelligence in the "modarate" category, and 35% had interpersonal intelligence in the "low" category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the average interpersonal intelligence of eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Baki and SMP N 2 Sukoharjo in mathematics learning has almost equal intelligence. To improve students' interpersonal intelligence, teachers should update learning models that are more interactive so that students are accustomed to interacting with the teacher and their friends.


Interpersonal Intellegence; Intellegence; Geographical Location

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