Juridic-Empiric Factors the Reason for Removal of Regional Head Official Position in Regional Government Systems in Indonesia

Firdaus Arifin


The regulations governing regional government today determine that the Deputy Regional Head is responsible to the Regional Head. The implication is that the financial position and protocol position of the Deputy Regional Head are often considered unbalanced compared to the Regional Head. A further consequence is the development of a less harmonious working relationship between the Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head. This tendency is reflected in, among others, the expression of the desire of the Deputy Regional Head to become a candidate for the Regional Head in the next election only moments after sitting in office. This situation makes the leadership of regional government not conducive. This paper tries to develop ideas regarding the importance of removing the position of Deputy Regional Head in question.


Juridic; Empiric Factor; Reason; Removal; Regional; Head; Official; Position; Regional; Government System; Indonesia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i5.1713


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