Informal Settlement of Minor Crimes Among Citizens by Bhabinkamtibmas (Bhayangkara Trustee of Security and Public Order) at Klaten Police Station

Luckyta Mayang Tyna, Abdul Muta'ali, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi


The objectives of the study were to: 1) describe informal settlement of minor crimes among citizens by Bhabinkamtibmas at Klaten Police Station, 2) describe the obstacles that arise in the implementation of tasks and informal settlement of minor crimes among citizens by Bhabinkamtibmas at Klaten Police Station. This study applied a qualitative research approach. Triangulation technique was employed to determine the validity of the research data. The results found that the implementation of Bhabinkamtibmas tasks in Klaten Police Station is in accordance with National Police Regulation No. 3 of 2015 concerning Community Policing. The surrounding community has felt the existence of Bhabinkamtibmas in the Klaten Police Station jurisdiction. Obstacles based on internal factors include the incompatibility of the number of Bhabinkamtibmas personnel with the number of villages in Klaten Police Station, the lack of infrastructure, the lack of IT mastery of senior Bhabinkamtibmas, the lack of communication skills of Bhabinkamtibmas personnel, the lack of knowledge or HR of Bhabinkamtibmas junior, the distance of Bhabinkamtibmas homes from the target villages. There are also external factors in the settlement of minor crimes in which a third party reports back the problem to the police station, limited communication tools as some villages get poor signal coverage so that it affects the reporting of Bhabinkamtibmas activities, and some people who do not yet fully trust Bhabinkamtibmas personnel.


Crime; Bhabinkamtibmas; Police

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