Problematics of Implementation of Inclusion Education in the Elementary School of Bengkulu City
This study was aimed at investigating the implementation, obstacles, and solution to inclusive education at the primary school level in Bengkulu City. This study used a qualitative approach with the analysis of the Miles and Huberman flow model. Data was collected through observation, in-depth interview and study document. The findings of the study were; firstly, most of schools have not implemented inclusive education during the teaching and learning activities yet. Secondly, four obstacles in implementing inclusive education were; the unavailability of Human Resources and the teacher’s understanding of inclusive education, the lack of curriculum and learning tools, supporting facilities and infrastructure, and school policies. Thirdly, Solutions to the obstacles were; the availability of Human Resources and the teacher’s understanding of inclusive education, the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support learning activities, the availability of curriculum and learning tools in schools with special needs, starting from the recruitment system, learning methods and models, to the evaluation system.
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