Development of Pop-Up Book Media based on Balanced Literacy Approach to Improve Skills of Reading Class 1 Students Basic School

Novi Wulandari, Hendratno Hendratno, Titik Indarti


The background that drives this research is the low interest in reading and the lack of reading skills in grade 1 students. The purpose of this study is to produce a pop-up book based on a good quality balanced literacy approach. The test subjects in this study were 60 first grade students at SDN Pacarkeling V / 186 Surabaya. The method used in this study is the method of developing Research and Development (R&D). The development model of Borg and Gall in this study goes through 10 stages. The product developed in this research is a valid, practical and effective pop-up book media. The validation results show that the developed media is valid with very good criteria. Practicality in small scale and large scale trials reaches very good category. The effectiveness of the developed media can be seen from the increase in the results of the reading skills test using the t test with the t-test result of -11.6.


Balanced Literacy; Development; Media Pop-Up Books; Reading Skills

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