Social Capital of Entrusted Service Agents for Imported Fashion and Cosmetics Products

Radita Gora


The increasing online trading system through e-commerce and social media has triggered a group of people, as entrusted service agents, to take part in the trade of fashion and cosmetics products carried out by either individual or social communities. In an effort to support the success of this individual trading system, the entrusted service agents take advantage of social capital to establish social relationships to be part of the circle of transactions for either re-sellers or sellers. Social capital is a skill that is inherent in an individual to establish social relationships with others. Based on the results of the study, the entrusted service agents have the habit to gather with the hedonist community, such as socialites and groups of wealthy people who have a consumptive nature, in a hope that in the circle of social relations there will be a social structure in the pattern of circular communication to create massive personal trade transaction relationships.


Social Capital; Entrusted Service Agent; Fashion and Cosmetics Products

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