Implementation of Internal Quality Guarantee System in Model Schools in Vocational School 1 Kopang
The aim of this study is to describe the implementation of quality mapping, the preparation of quality fulfillment plans, the implementation of quality fulfillment plans and quality audits at vocational school 1 Kopang. This study uses an interpretive paradigm with descriptive qualitative methods with a naturalistic phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques are done through interview, observation and documentation. Checking the validity of the data in qualitative research involves four techniques, namely: credibility, dispensation, reliability, confirmability. The results showed that quality mapping is an activity to identify the strengths and weaknesses of vocational school 1 Kopang based on a quality report map which is then used as the basis for the focus of the program to be implemented in the internal quality assurance system. Quality fulfillment planning that contains program recommendations to be implemented, including the volume of activities, cost needs, and resources involved in the activity is a work plan based on the results of quality mapping at vocational school 1 Kopang. In fulfilling the quality of vocational school 1 Kopang has planned quality by preparing documents such as quality documents, implementation procedures and implementation and supervision forms. The Vocational school 1 Kopang has also carried out quality audits of all established programs. At this stage, the implementation and results of quality fulfillment are in line with the planned strategy, so that the internal quality management system is implemented effectively and efficiently and in accordance with the planned objectives.
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