Development and Empowerment of Peatland Ecosystem (Analysis of the Peat Ecosystem Recovery and Development Program in the Districts of Kutai Kartanegara and East Kutai, East Kalimantan Province)
The province of East Kalimantan has significant peatlands. Covering an area of 700,000 HA, spread across Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kutai Regency and West Kutai Regency. This valuable asset must be empowered to be efficient for the life of the surrounding ecosystem. Swamp and freshwater fish habitat that is around peatlands is a natural potential that has historically been of economic value, which is a condition to be developed on the basis of an empowerment model. The people who live around the swamp and peat have traditionally made swamps and fish their main livelihoods. It is appropriate that the empowerment of peat ecosystems is one of the targets and strategic development agenda, with the support of recommendations from the results of scientific and professional studies.
Analysis of the study that began in the period April - November 2016 on the program of recovery and development of peat ecosystems, is one of the innovations to control the damage to peat ecosystems in order to provide solutions and new hopes for peat ecosystem recovery with the target of achieving sustainable prosperity. In 2019 the results of the analysis of this study have been verified and considered as a periodic monitoring and evaluation tool.
Analysis of the study was conducted in a participatory manner with the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) principle. A number of analytical tools used by the process of finding data include the formation of a Peat Ecosystem Recovery and Control Work Team (TK-PPEG), preparation of a peat ecosystem-based social map, transect walk, and preparation of program options which are then packaged in the form of a Community Work Plan (RKM). The recommended forms of strategic programs include stabilizing water status on peatlands by building canal blocking and developing agricultural demonstration plots or fish cultivation.
The method of collecting data and information is done through observation, interviews and focused discussion or what is commonly called a focus group discussion (FGD). The data generated from the PRA tool is then analyzed descriptively to illustrate the strategies and programs that are the solution in the efforts to restore and control the peat ecosystem. A critical note is that the management of the peatland hydrological area for agricultural and fishery commodities, must pay attention to their suitability for their utilization and use space. Another aspect is the optimization of community participation in each stage.Keywords
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