Improving Students’ Speaking Skills through Task-Based Learning: An Action Research at the English Department
This study aims to improve students' speaking skills at the Department of English. Based on interviews carried out to get initial data on the students' speaking skills, it was shown that the students had problems in speaking due to inadequate knowledge of the language which in turn made the students felt unconfident to speak. The students were not familiar with various speaking activities facilitating them to speak. They read the text to convey ideas and a lack of strategies when speaking. To help the students, task-based learning was adapted through action research in one-semester courses. Fifteen students in the third semester participated in this study. The data were taken from the results of the pre-test to post-test, interview, and observation. The findings reveal that the use of task-based learning helps the students improve their speaking skills of three indicators assessed: accuracy, vocabulary, and comprehension. The students manage to complete the tasks by conducting various activities through three phases of learning: the pre-task, task-cycle, and form focus. They succeed in improving their speaking skills and gaining their confidence. The students can evaluate their learning in pairs and group works.
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