The Documental and Implicational Study of the Hadith of Qiṣāṣ on the Prophet in Shiite and Sunni Sources
Narratives have been narrated in Shiite and Sunni hadīthī and historical sources, and have always been presented in various forms in scientific and propaganda gatherings, which deserve to reconsider, discover and explain the truth of the matter, including the story of the Prophet's asking forgiveness from the people of Medina, while he was sick, and then a request for Qiṣāṣ (i.e. retaliation) by a man from Medina (Sawādah ibn Qays) and finally kissing the blessed shoulder of the Prophet instead of retaliation, which is known in the narratives as the hadith of "Quḍayb Mamshūq". This article seeks to examine the documental and implicational study of the above narrative and by researching the document of this narrative and the content of the beloved hadith, it was concluded that most of the narrators of this narrative are Sunnis and this hadith has no Shiite basis at all and it has been transferred from Sunni sources to Shiite sources, and the oldest source of this narrative in Shiite sources is Sheikh Sadūq's book named Amālī. Accordingly, the above hadith is not only invalid in terms of authenticity, but its content is incompatible with the verses of the Qur'an, the necessities of the religion and the Shiite ideas. This narrative has also been reported variously in Sunni books.
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