The Role of Institution and Innovation Attributes in the Adoption of Integrated Crop Management Technology of Lowland Rice of West Bandung and Sumedang Districts
Studies on the role of institutions and innovation attributes in affecting the adoption of Integrated Plant Management Technology have been carried out in several subdistricts in West Bandung and Sumedang Districts, West Java Province. The objectives of this study were to: 1) describe the role of extension service institutions, farmer groups, and innovation attributes on the adoption of Integrated Plant Management, 2). analyze factors affecting the adoption of Integrated Plant Management, and 3) find strategies to increase the adoption of Integrated Plant Management. The study population was all group members who had participated in a program to increase rice-corn and soybean production (Pajale) with a total of 173 people in West Bandung District and 143 people in Sumedang District. A total of 124 people as sample were determined to follow the Slovin formula. Data and information were collected through interviews and direct observation to respondents using a closed questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The results showed that the majority of respondents rated that; 1) the role of extension institutions, farmer groups, and innovation attributes were categorized as good; 2) extension institutions at the subdistrict level, farmer groups, and innovation attributes significantly affected (ά = 0.001) the adoption in both districts where R2 = 0.962.
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