Peer Conformity through Money Attitudes toward Adolescence’s Consumptive Behavior
This study aims to determine the effect of peer conformity through money attitudes toward adolescence’s consumptive behavior. The method used is descriptive verification method with ex post facto and survey approach. Data collecting technique was done by using questionnaire. Sampling technique in this study was proportional stratified random sampling, the number of samples were 165 adolescents. Hypothesis testing in this study was conducted by using linear regression test with path analysis. The results show the significance of peer conformity influence on consumptive behavior was 32.4%. The value of the influence of peer conformity to consumer behavior is indirectly obtained by 11, 22%. The findings indicated all hypotheses were accepted, that peer conformity shows a significant effect on consumptive behavior. Adolescent who have high conformity will tend to behave consumptively.
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