Correlation Between Local Wisdom Knowledge with Ecoliteracy and Green Behavior of Students of Adiwiyata School, Bandung, West Java
Local wisdom is a factor in loving the environment to encourage students to be aware of the surrounding natural resources. Awareness to love the environment must be instilled in students, one of them through ecoliteracy. Through local wisdom knowledge and ecoliteracy, students are expected to have a Green Behavior. This study aims to analyze the correlation between local wisdom knowledge with ecoliteracy and Green Behavior. This study applies quantitative descriptive methods. Respondents consisted of 203 twelve grade science students from SMA 24 Negeri Ujung Berung in Bandung taken using simple random sampling technique. The research hypothesis was tested using correlation formula. The results showed that (1) there was a positive correlation with moderate level of correlation between local wisdom knowledge and Green Behavior, (2) there was a positive correlation with moderate level of correlation between ecoliteracy and Green Behavior, (3) there was a positive correlation with moderate level of correlation simultaneously between local wisdom knowledge with ecoliteracy and Green Behavior. This research implies that increasing knowledge of local wisdom and ecoliteracy is needed to realize green behavior.
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