Psychological Effects of Charitable Activities on the Worldly Mental Health and Eternal Happiness of the Hereafter from the Perspective of the Qur'an and Hadith
From the point of view of religious teachings, charitable act has the first effect on one's worldly and hereafter life and guarantees one's worldly mental health and eternal happiness in the hereafter. Worship in any form has been a factor in mental health. The goodness and virtue of an action is also in proportion to the compatibility of its components with each other, and the compatibility and appropriateness of the set of components with the end and purpose of that action. Therefore, benevolence and charity are the observance of these two proportions with the position of action. Now, the question is, what effect do these charitable activities have on the mental health of this world and the eternal happiness of the hereafter? Analytical, psychological, and descriptive study of verses and hadiths indicate that worldly effects such as increasing longevity and livelihood, receiving divine rewards, etc., and hereafter effects such as ignoring the torment, attaining heavenly blessings, eternal reward and... cause the mental health of the person in the world, and his eternal happiness in the hereafter.
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