A Comparative Interpretation of the Word "Kalemat" in the Verse 124 of Surah Baqarah from Shia and Sunni Point of View
One of the traditions of the Almighty God is "the testing of His servants"; as the Qur'an states prophet Abraham (pbuh) is one of the close servants to God affected by various kinds of testing. The present study looking for the semantics of the word " kalemat " (بِكَلِمَاتٍ) in verse 124 of Surat al-Baqarah seeks to answer the question: What are the views of Shiite and Sunni commentators and interpreters about the meaning of kalemat? Referring to the most important Shiite and Sunni interpretations, this article examines the most important opinions and concludes that, out of a total of 31 opinions, Shiite and Sunni commentators share 11 cases and 20 opinions are only held by Shiite commentators; The fact is the cases of testing are real testing, not just in the words. Prophet Abraham (PBUH) put these basic truths into practice and performed these acts with his heart replete with submission, satisfaction, Tawakul (trust) and devotion.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i3.1620
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