Adolescent’s Perception and Severity Related to Early Marriage, in Selayar Island
Perception is an individual's understanding of certain concepts. In this case, adolescent perceptions are related to the individual understanding of early marriage related to the causes, effects and preparation of marriage. Early marriage is a marriage conducted by teenagers under the age of 18 through priests or community leaders who are trusted through religious affairs offices. Some things that cause marriages at an early age are marriages, teen relationships and economic conditions. This study aims to analyze perceptions related to marriage at an early age. This research is a qualitative research with phenomenology approach. Data were obtained by in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, unstructured observations and documentation on 12 informants in Bontomateme District, Selayar Islands, South Sulawesi. Domain analysis is used to facilitate semantic relations in the data found. The results show that adolescents have a negative understanding of marriage at an early age. this is because marriage at an early age will have an impact on the economy, education, social and psychology of adolescents. However, teenagers have the chance to get an arranged marriage with a parent's choice. It was agreed that adolescent knowledge and understanding of marriage at an early age was good enough. But parent's understanding and knowledge about it are still lacking. Therefore, health education for the community is needed to reducing early marriage.
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