Quality Improvement of Community Health Center During Covid-19 Pandemic
This article describes the improvement of the quality of public health Center services during the COVID-19 Pandemic which includes the Management of public health Centers, Community Health Efforts, Individual Health Efforts, and Infection Prevention and Control. The method used is literature search and documentation studies based on rules and regulations. The results of this search indicate that the Quality Improvement of Service Centers for public health in the Pandemic Era COVID-19 made adjustments related to efforts or activities as well as funding to be made, adjustments related to resource management also need to be done. Despite the fact that each community health center faces different conditions that are influenced by the number of COVID 19 cases in its working area. Given the development of science related to the COVID-19 Pandemic, policies or guidelines may change so that the public health center and the Health Office must actively follow the development of these changes from official sources so that they can be immediately adapted to the protocol of services to be provided.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i4.1614
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