The Survey Effectiveness of Time Perspective Therapy on Spiritual Well-Being and Hardiness Parents of Boy Students with Reading Disability
The aim of this study was survey effectiveness of time perspective therapy on spiritual well-being and hardiness parents of students with reading disability. The design research was semi-experimental with pre-test/ post-test, and control group. The statistical population of research was consisted of all parents who had referred to consulting cores from six districts of Isfahan city education and their children possess reading disability and were studying at one of the first to third grade elementary at 2018 year. For doing research, 30 persons of parents have been selected by sampling method and have been divided between experimental (15person) and control (15person) group. In this study for gathering data was used from Existential well-being subscale of spiritual well-being scale (Paloutzian & Ellison, 1982) and Hardiness questionnaire (Barton & et al. 1984). In experimental group for eight sessions, time perspective therapy was done and control group not received any intervention. Data was analysis whit SPSS- 21 software and calculating descriptive and interfere indicators. The results showed significant difference between two group in spiritual well-being and hardiness of parents (P<0.01). The effect of cognitive disorders on parents has depended on their power in deal with problems. Time perspective therapy as an intervention, has effective on increasing spiritual well-being and hardiness of parent’s children who possess reading disability.
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