The Strategy of Enhancing Student’s Social Awareness through History Learning Based on Selimbur Caye Oral Tradition Values
This research aims to examine the implementation and effectiveness of history learning based on Selimbur Caye oral tradition values. This research uses mixed method approach. The subjects of this research are the student of X Social Science 1 (experimental class) and X Social Science 2 (control class) in SMA Negeri 4 South Bengkulu. The data of this study were collected using interview, observation, and documentation (qualitative phase) and questionaire (quantitative phase). They were, than, analyzed by using interactive model for qualitative data and t-test for the quantitative data. The result of this research are: 1) history learning based on Selimbur Caye oral tradition was conducted by combaining Problem Based Learning, Value Clarification Technique model, and the Values of Selimbur Caye oral tradition; 2) the implementation of history learning based on Selimbur Caye oral tradition is very efective in enhancing student’s social awareness.
Keywords: Social awareness, oral tradition, problem based learning, value
clarification technique, history learning
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