Liability Notary in Making Deed Based on Falsification of Letters by the Parties

Yulia Oktavia Ading, Zainal Asikin, L.Pria Suhartana


This research aims to examine the responsibility of a notary in the event of falsification of a letter carried out by the parties in making a notarial deed according to the Notary Position Act, so that a notary may be held liable if a loss arises to one of the parties as a result of a false document from one of the party. The method used is the Normtaive method with a statutory approach. The results of the research prove that the responsibility of the Notary in the event of falsification of the letter carried out by the parties in making the notarial deed according to UUJN and the Amendment Law on UUJN is when the Notary in carrying out his position is proven to have committed a violation, then the Notary is responsible in accordance with the deeds he did both responsibility in terms of Administrative Law, Civil Law, which is in accordance with the provisions of sanctions listed in Articles 84 and 85 of the Amendment Law on UUJN and the code of ethics, but in the UUJN and the Amendment Law on UUJN does not regulate criminal sanctions.


Responsibility; PPAT; Counterfeiting

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