Legal Aspects of Binding of Sale and Purchase Agreements as Stages of Buying and Selling Land Rights in Installments

Sukma Hidayat Kurnia Abadi, Zainal Asikin, H. Djumardin


To analyze the will of the parties making the purchase agreement before making the sale and purchase deed before the PPAT and to analyze the protection of the parties in the sale and purchase agreement; To analyze the legal consequences of buying and selling transactions made by the parties. The method used is a normative method with a statutory approach. The Binding Agreement of Sale and Purchase is an initial bond which is subordinate to the establishment of an authentic sale and purchase agreement. The clauses in the Binding Sale Agreement can protect both the seller and the buyer if all the aims and objectives of the parties have been clearly stated in the Sale and Purchase Agreement so that the rights of both parties can be protected and both parties can clearly know the obligations obligation that must be done.

The legal consequence of this Binding Agreement is that if a party violates the contents of the Agreement, it will be subject to sanctions in accordance with what is stated in the Agreement. If deliberations for consensus are not reached, they can be processed by the Court


Legal Aspects; Binding of Buying and Selling; Installments

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