Mass Media Instagram in the Perspective of Popular Culture
Mass media which relates to the broadcasting domain now use social media, Instagram in particular, as one of the platforms in distributing their news. The use of this platform is considered beneficial both from consumers as the user of the Instagram application or information accessors and media companies as a source of information. Using descriptive qualitative methods, this study looks at the expansion of news platforms from the perspective of study of popular culture.
Solopos' Daily Instagram, @koransopolos, is the object of study, considering that this local media, including the mainstream media, is a reference for the people Solo, a city in Indonesia, and surrounding areas in seeking information. The use of perspective of cultural studies is expected to be able to explain how the position of the new media when entering the realm of social media which tend to have a DNA character that more likely to enter the interpersonal domain. Interpersonal domain actually prioritizes communication between users in the framework of having fun or maintaining a network with friends. The media, on the other hand, ignores the framework of communication between users.
The perspective of popular culture is expected to also be able to explain how consumers' attitudes towards the media that enter the public space and their benefits for them. This study is important because the media as one of popular culture cannot be separated from technological developments as well as the implications that arise from the latest technology products. The result of this study shows that Mass Media Instagram actually only give an information not a brief and full news for the citizens. The content of the information adjust the need and character of the followers. The content in the information adjusts the taste and character of the followers. Followers considered that the information shared by the mass media Instagram was news although incomplete.
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