Challenges and Opportunities for Mahasantri Da'wah Through Social Media
The development of communication and information technology is now an opportunity for Tebuireng Jombang mahasantri in utilizing Instagram social media to broadcast information, develop existence, and preaching with attractive packaging that invites the attention of thousands of people. In the midst of many pesantren that are still closing themselves off from the presence of digital technology, mahasantri Tebuireng is able to answer the challenges of this age by utilizing them. Mahasantri is able to fill the opportunity and answer the challenges of this age among the dense activities of the cottage and campus. This research explains what the use of digital technology and social media is like now rather than looking at the negative side. This research was conducted with a qualitative method through interviews with social media managers on the @galeri_maha account managed by mahasantri Ma'had Aly Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng Jombang who has 114 thousand followers. This research answers that preaching can be done more easily and attracts the attention of the community, making people aware that social media can be a good fortune in terms of learning, creativity, literacy, and other positive activities, and the most interesting is the ability of students to balance technological developments by spreading the knowledge of pesantren today.
Keywords: Mahasantri, Social Media, Da'wah, Existence, Pesantren Tebuireng
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