The Concept of Psychological Impact Compensation for Rape Victims
There is domestic violence, sexual violence, rape, is part of a crime against women. In fact, rape can be carried out and experienced by anyone. Rape is a one of violence that is not distinguish with gender, age, socio-economic status, place and time. It also does not matter what clothing or makeup is worn at the time, in sick or healthy condition. The suffer from rape victims has been experienced since the occurrence of rape. Suffering includes social burdens in society, fears of pregnancy and the onset of illness or infection, and others. As a result of rape causes physical and psychological damage to rape victims. Psychological losses can affect the daily life of rape victims as a psychological impact. Psychological effects on rape victims appear with symptoms that appropriate to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), including sadness, depressed mood, insomnia, loss of interest in usual activities, negative self-concept, self-blame, feeling useless and guilty, difficult to concentrate, often think about suicide or death. Compensation for rape victims needs to be obtained by considering the psychological condition. There has not yet been any compensation for the psychological impact on rape victims. About compensation has been regulated in Law No. 31/2014 Regarding Amendment to Law No. 13/2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims. the regulation does not include compensation for psychological effects. In this regard, it is necessary to address the urgency of regulating compensation for psychological effects on rape victims.
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