Organizational Culture and the Core Value of the Professional Mentality among Students of Russian and Iranian Colleges: A Pilot Study
The present study aimed to investigate the Organizational culture and the core value of the professional mentality among students of Russian and Iranian colleges in the organizational conditions of a modern enterprise. The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) developed by Cameron and Quinn was used for the purpose of this study. Two hundred students from Iranian and Russian colleges were chosen as research samples. Besides the OCAI, the participants were asked to answer five questions concerns the perceptions of the organizational culture (OC) of colleges, the specifics of their ideas about the OC of an effective enterprise and the characteristics of their desired job. Data were analyzed by using the U Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon. These results showed the professional mentality of college students in a modern enterprise require to change. Therefore, organizational socialization for Russian and Iranian colleges remains necessary in the typical educational process.
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