The Effect of Bank Soundness Level Ratio on the Profit Growth in the State-Owned Banks
A healthy bank is able to carry out its intermediary function well, help the smooth flow of payment traffic, maintain public confidence, and can be used by the government in implementing its various policies, especially monetary policy. This study aimed at: 1) analyzing the effect of Risk Profile on profit growth in state-owned banks, 2) analyzing the effect of Good Corporate Governance on profit growth in state-owned banks, 3) analyzing the effect of Earnings on profit growth in state-owned banks, and 4) analyzing the effect of Capital on profit growth in state-owned banks. This study utilized quantitative methods with variables including: the needs to find Risk profile (X1), GCG (X2), Earnings (X3), Capital (X4), and Profit Growth (Y). The results of this study indicated that: 1) Partial risk profile proxied by a Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) had no effect on the Profit Growth, 2) Good Corporate Governance partially had no effect on the Profit Growth, 3) Earning proxied by Return on Assets partially had no effect on the Profit Growth, 4) Capital proxied by Capital Adequacy Ratio partially had no effect on the Profit Growth.
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