The Dynamics of Religious Political Assertiveness of President Soeharto
History of Indonesia has recorded the name Soeharto as the second president and president with the longest term in Indonesia. The dynamics of Soeharto's religious-political struggle experienced ups and downs where at the beginning of independence Soeahrto tried to embrace the power of Islam, so that Indonesia would be able to rise from the events of the thirty-September party movement of Indonesian communists. Whereat the beginning of the new order Suharto was very responsive to the political power of Islam regardless of the political content he wanted but at least, there was a strong desire to get Islam involved in it. But unfortunately in the middle phase of Soeharto's leadership began to turn towards the Islamic group, many policies did not benefit Islam, including a single principle policy towards Islamic parties and Islamic mass organizations, where all organizations must use the single principle of Pancasila. So that when not using a single principle is considered not recognized by the government, in addition there is no freedom for the scholars to laugh because they are considered to spread political movements, the use of headscarves is limited, religious education will be removed even if it is not successful. Soeharto's unreasonable attitude changed. Because in 1990 a lot of Soeharto's policies benefited Islam such as building mosques, establishing ICMI (Indonesian Muslim Scholars Association), awarding clerics and clerics, even Suharto was very religious in nature, where religious activities were very concerned, even he often used the name of the pilgrimage. The fact explained that Suharto was a devout president.
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