The Effect of Spatial Policy Implementation on the Quality of Building Permit Services
The importance of effective spatial planning in order to improve the quality of services to the public is something that the government needs to think about. This study aims to determine the effect of spatial policy implementation on the quality of building permit services. This research method is survey research, which takes a sample from one population to represent the entire population. This research uses explanatory research design. The total size of the research sample was 110 people using a questionnaire method or technique, with the instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The results showed that there was a correlation between the implementation of spatial policy and the quality of building permit services. Implementation of spatial policy affects the quality of building permit services significantly and positively. In increasing the effectiveness of policy implementation, the dimensions of communication, resources, the attitude of implementers, bureaucratic structure, policies are concepts that serve as benchmarks for developing effective implementation of policies. Improving the quality of building permit services is built by the level of responsibility, professionalism, responsiveness and government empathy for the desires and expectations of the people who need services related to the utilization of regional / city space. In the case of regional or city spatial planning, in general the spatial planning policy has been determined as a reference.
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