The Role of the State Attorney Towards the Implementation of Social Security for Workers in Construction Work on Government Projects in the Solok City, West Sumatra
In the mandate of the Act, every worker has the right to social security to be able to meet the basic needs of a decent life and improve his dignity as stipulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2004 about the National Social Security System, which in the implementation of Social Security for workers is carried out by the Social Security Organizing Agency which is regulated through Law No. 24 of 2011 concerning the Social Security Organizing Agency, workers are entitled to insurance for health, work accident, death, old age and retirement. Of the many government-owned construction works in the Solok City, Until the end of 2018, there were only 9 social security payment cases for workers for collateral for work accidents and 2 (two) cases for collateral for death with a total payment of Rp. 89.766.791, -(eighty nine million seven hundred sixty six thousand seven hundred ninety one rupiah). From this number, it seems that the implementation of the social security program for workers has not been maximized because employers have not been included even though it is required by law. Seeing this reality, the problem of how the implementation of protection for workers, and the barriers of the Solok Branch Managing Social Security Agency in carrying out the Social Security Program for workers, and how the role of the State Attorney in protecting workers working on government-owned construction projects in the Solok City, This study uses a sociological juridical method, directly looking at the field conditions in the Solok City area with the intent and purpose of finding facts, identifying and leading to problem solving.
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