The Success of Food House Lestari Area Program in the Farmer Women Group in Aceh Jaya District
The Success of food house Lestari Area Program in the farmer women Group in Aceh Jaya District. Research that discusses the conditions and success of food houseLesatari Area (KRPL) program and how the influence of internal and external factors on the success of the KRPL program in Aceh Jaya District. The method used in the sampling technique is a simple random sampling method with a sample number of 45 people. The analysis tool is a questionnaire given to a group of farm women. From the results obtained KRPL Program conditions in Aceh Jaya district has already been good with the achievement of the percentage of performance by 95%, for the achievement of the 100% Seed garden program, 100% demonstration plot, and 75% of member’s yard. However, the success of the KRPL Program in the Women Farmers Group in Aceh Jaya District based on the PPH score indicator and the Food Expenditure Share obtained the success rate of the KRPL program with a percentage of 86.67% with the number of KWT respondents included in the low success rate category of 39 people. For KWT who are already in the high success rate category with a percentage of 13.33% with the number of KWT respondents as many as 6 people. The results of the Logistic Regression conducted to see the influence between variables obtained the results that the variables of Internal factors that have an influence on the success of the KRPL program are KWT Education (X1), while the number of KWT Family Members (X2) does not have a significant influence on the success of KRPL, and External Factors of the success of the Program that has an influence on the success of the program is the variable (X3) The Role of instructor, while (X4) Institution does not have a significant influence on the success of the KRPL program in the group of women farmers in Aceh Jaya District.
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