A Comparative Assessment on the Role of Private Investment in Poverty Reduction in Illubabor and Jimma Zones,Oromiya National Regional State, Ethiopia
The research was assessing the role of private investment in poverty reduction in Jimma and Illibabor zones comparatively. There was almost little study was done in this areas and the research intended to fill such hole. For this purpose, necessary and careful literature reviews were done before. This research is workout by using a qualitative approach of research methodology and as far as the sampling technique concerned, we employed non probability sampling technique. From non probability sampling, purposive sampling technique was chosen. To this effect, Jimma and Illuababor Zones were purposively selected because of their prominence to Jimma university and which helps to save time and to implement one of the well known axiom of JU and that is “we are in the community” to promote the livelihoods of the community. Finally, the data gathered by using primary and secondary sources and the results proved that private investment is very important for the alleviatiation of poverty. For sure, there is a complementary relationship between private investment and poverty reduction. Moreover, the study finally recommends that Jimma and Illubabor zones should seriously work in creating enabling environment for private investment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i2.1528
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