Study of Madurese Perception and Behavior towards Maternal Health in Jember Regency

Kukuh Ardhyanto Mi'rad, Farid Agushybana, Ani Margawati


Socio-cultural aspects can be a potential and obstacle to maternal health. The Madura ethnic group in Jember Regency still adheres to the tradition of hereditary in maintaining maternal health. The research objective is to identify and analyze the perceptions and behaviors of Madurese ethnic culture in Jember Regency on maternal health. This research is a qualitative research with ethnographic research type. Data collection techniques using passive participatory observation and in-depth interviews. Informants were selected using purposive sampling techniques for pregnant women, husbands of pregnant mothers, parents or in-laws of pregnant women, fertile age couples, community leaders, cultural leaders, religious leaders, traditional birth attendants with a total of 8 informants. The study was conducted in Panduman Village and Sucopangepok Village in Jelbuk District, Jember Regency, East Java Province in December 2019 until February 2020, where Madurese ethnic groups reside. Informant data is validated through triangulation, analysis is carried out to determine the potential and constraints. The results showed that the practice of Madurese Ethnic culture had supported the health sector by carrying out antenatal care examinations for health workers, but there were still cultural practices which were constraints, namely: underage marriages, not conducting pregnancy examinations in the first trimester, shamans still helped in childbirth. It is recommended to improve the approach of health workers and local government to the community through health promotion activities in order to foster a sense of trust in a modern health culture without leaving cultural traditions that do not conflict with the world of health.


Madura ethnic; Cultural Practice; Maternal Health

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