Legal Analysis of the Imposition of Sanctions for Children as Perpetrators of Criminal Acts of Abuse Resulting in Death
This study aims to determine the arrangements for imposing sanctions on minors who commit criminal acts of persecution resulting in death and to determine the legal considerations of judges in passing verdicts of torture that result in death with the principles of protecting children's rights. This research method uses qualitative research then presented descriptively. Data collection techniques were done through literature assessment, field research, and direct interviews. The results showed that children who are in conflict with the law have rights that must be maintained. The arrest, detention, and imprisonment carried out are the last resort, the placement of children deprived of liberty must be separated from adults, in cases of abuse that must be kept secret to prevent labeling and children in conflict. Sanctions given to children on some of these decisions are not a means of revenge but in order to provide a deterrent effect so that children do not repeat their actions. To the Law Enforcement, the judge in giving his decision must consider the condition of the child as the perpetrator of the crime, regarding the ability to account for his actions.
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