Implementation of the Coordination Function of the Regional Development Planning Board in Sorong City and Raja Ampat Regency
This study aims to analyze the implementation of the coordination function of the regional development planning agency in Sorong City and Raja Ampat Regency. This research method is empirical research that is legal research. This study uses legal sources so that it is able to complete the focus of research. Data collection techniques are carried out in two ways, namely literature study and interviews. The results of the research show that the coordination also determines the parties entrusted with the responsibility for the implementation of development. The Chairperson of the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) is appointed as the official responsible for the coordination of development sector planning while for the Regional Secretary as the official responsible for coordinating the implementation of the development sector and the inspectorate is appointed as the official responsible for coordinating development oversight. This research recommends that BAPPEDA must be able to provide clear, precise and quick directions in the implementation of coordination.
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