Quality of Public Service for Regional Water Companies: A Case Study in Local Water company Region II Makassar City
This article reviews the quality of public services of the Regional Water Company (PDAM), which is a regional company, is given the responsibility to develop and manage water supply systems and to serve all groups of consumers at affordable prices. Until now PDAM is the only public service company in the field of water supply, if it is not able to manage supply and demand properly, the presence and role of PDAMs will always be highlighted by the public as consumers. PDAM Region II of Makassar City is faced with problems concerning the quality of services that are still unsatisfactory to the public. This is indicated by the community perception, water that is still unable to deliver water continuously 24 hours a day and the response of the community, especially customers in zones 33 and 38, Makassar city is average -Rata stated that it was still ineffective on the level of drinking water services by PDAM Region II Makassar City.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i2.1496
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