An Analytical Study of the Khalafallah's Qur'anic Political Thoughts
Throughout Islamic history, there have been various theories about the relationship between religion and politics, from disagreement to controversy. This debate has also come to the attention of scholars in the modern era after the important event of the abolition of the Ottoman caliphate. Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Khalafallah, as one of the New Mu'tazilis, rejected the relationship in this area, With the layout of the "worldly government" theory. He considered Islam a cultural element Referring to the historical origin of the meanings of the political terminology and neglect the Qur'anic-political theories, the Qur'an being devoid of new political terms and acknowledging the disapproval of the confluence of religion and state in the sacred text with the Shari'ah, He considers the government based on the council (democracy) and his legitimacy depends on it. And by explaining the difference between the "Prophet's position" and the "political power of the Prophet" based on the Qur'an and history, the Prophet's government introduces a civil (not religious) phenomenon that will not continue thereafter. The present study, by descriptive-analytical method, seeks to find out the causes of such ideas in Khalafallah and to explain the impact of three factors of political developments (caliphate crisis - colonialism), scientific (renewal of religious heritage) and cultural (defending Islam and the Prophet (pbuh) against the Western notion) address his thinking.
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