Analysis of Female School Principal Leadership in Improving Teacher Performance and Student Achievement

Rohyatun Rohyatun, Sudirman Wilian, Untung Waluyo


Female school principal leadership has been an important issue in the last two decades, but not much research has been done on problems dealing with the leadership of female school prinsipal. This qualitative research aims to find out teachers' perceptions about females leadership and how  principal leadership of females influences the performance of teachers and students' achievement. Data collection techniques include structured interviews, observations and documentation studies. Sources of research data are principal leadership, vice-principal leadership, teachers, staff, and students. Data were thematically analyzed by the phases of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results revealed some stakeholder perceptions about the principal leadership of females. In general, they positively assessed the ability of the principal leadership of females to establish communication and enforce discipline. The impact of principal leadership of females is reflected in the improvement of school facilities, well-being, and discipline of stakeholders. Some data also show that the principal leadership style of female influences student achievement. Although the performance at the schools observed was different, the results of this study concluded that the principal leadership style of females made a positive contribution to school progress.


Leadership of Female; Performance of Teachers; Students’ Achievement

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