The Level of Aspects of CO2RE (Control, Origin and Ownership, Reach, Endurance) in Camper Students

Nadine Nur Aulia, B. Usodo, D. R. S. Saputro


Adversity Quotient (AQ) is a person's intelligence in facing difficulties and obstacles when getting a challenge. There are three classes of AQ namely Quitter (low class), Camper (medium class), and Climber (high class). Based on the results of observations, it was found that more students were in the camper class than in quitters and climber. So that research is only limited to camper students. In measuring one's AQ, it refers to 4 aspects namely Control, Origin and Ownership, each, Endurance. This research aims aims to analyze the level of aspects of CO2RE (Control, Origin and Ownership, Reach, Endurance) in Camper students. The study used 34 subjects of grade7th camper students in Surakarta. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. Taking the research subject using purposive sampling method, and this study uses triangulation to validate the data. The results show that, seen from the control aspect there are 53% students in the medium category and 47%students in the high category. In the Origin and Ownership aspects there are 74% students in the medium category and 26% students in the high category. In the Reach aspect there are 59% students in the medium category and 41% students in the high category. While in the Endurance aspect there are 3% low category students, 62% medium category students, and 35% low categories.


Control; Origin and Ownership; Reach; Endurance; Camper students; Adversity Quotient

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