The Impact of Altruism, Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making on Work Performance of Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Teachers
Studies on students’ behavior, achievement and its contributed factors are large in number; however, little attention is paid to the teachers particularly in researching the impact of altruism, emotional intelligence and decision making on their work performance. This study aims at examining the effects of altruism, emotional intelligence and decision making on work performance of guidance and counseling Indonesian teachers at all junior high schools in the region of Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The population was 259 teachers’ at all private and public junior high schools in the region with 175 participants as the sample of the study. Employing ex-post facto research method, the data were collected by delivering a set of questionnaires, and were path analyzed to ascertain the direct impact of each variable. All the instruments had been content and construct validated before it was delivered. This turned out that altruism affected work performance and decision making with .203 and .259 subsequently. Emotional intelligence played a role on work performance and decision making with .135 and .352 respectively. Decision making has impacted .286 on work performance. Overall, altruism, emotional intelligence and decision making are categorized as moderate, and none of them is high, making it different from work performance, which is found moderate with some high levels. Accordingly, it is important for the school principals in the region to provide ample room for increasing teachers’ altruism, emotional intelligence and decision making.
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