Innovation Study in Improving the Quality of Planning and Budgeting Governance

S Suprianto, Binar Dwiyanto Pamungkas, Abdul Rahim, U Usman, D Darmanto


This study aims to determine the regional innovations implemented by the Regional Apparatus Organization (henceforth, OPD), OPDs’ perceptions related to regional innovations that have been applied and formulate some strategies for increasing OPDs’ innovations in Sumbawa. The sample was 18 OPDs in Sumbawa. The purposive sampling of non-probability used as the sampling technique. The data analysis used the Innovation Perception Index. The identification results showed that there were 2 OPDs that did not innovate, neither planning nor budgeting governance innovations and other public service innovations. Meanwhile, 16 OPDs have carried out innovations in improving governance and services to the community, but not overall of them have implemented innovations related to planning and budgeting governance. There were 12 OPDs (67%) implementing innovation in planning and budgeting governance, meanwhile, 6 OPDs (33%) were not implementing innovation in planning and budgeting governance. The mapping results show that there are 2 OPDs whose innovation is within the common criteria, 4 OPDs with quite innovative criteria, 8 OPDs with innovative criteria, and 2 OPDs with very innovative criteria. In terms of the productive dimension, most OPDs are in innovative criteria with details that there are 6 OPDs having quite innovative criteria, 8 OPDs with innovative criteria, and 2 OPDs with strongly innovative criteria. Based on the governance innovation index, OPDs’ perceptions of OPDs’ planning and budgeting in Sumbawa is 75,067 with innovative criteria.


Innovation Study; Innovation Perception Index

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