Primary School Principals’ Readiness and Qualification to Implement Inclusive Education in western Oromia: Ethiopia

Jaffer Lola Dano, Aminu Jibril Arfasa


The purpose of the study was to find out primary school principals’ readiness and qualification to implement inclusive education in western Oromia. Quantitative research design was followed. The sample of the study was 225 primary school principals. Data was collected from participants using questionnaire to answer. For the purpose of data, percentage, mean and standard divisions and independent t-test were used. The result indicated that, among the sample respondents 141 were responded to attend special needs education course in their pre-service training program. This group comprises 62.67% among the sample.  To the contrary 84 (37.33%) didn’t take any course related to special need education during their pre-service training. Based on the result of the study recommendations were forwarded training and workshops should be organized for principals on general inclusive education techniques to improving overall quality of teaching.


Inclusion; Pre-Service and in-Service Training; Special Need and Attitudes

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