Garning of Post Tsunami Gender in Mesjid Raya Aceh Besar District
Mesjid Raya Aceh Besar Subdistrict was one of the areas affected by the 2004 tsunami which had the majority of victims as women so that they experienced the most severe impacts. Post-disaster, women in the midst of modern society currently have capacities like men, but the space provided is not yet maximal like men, this is caused by aspects of women's lives that are always seen as insignificant that have become cultural, giving rise to inequity and gender equality . This study aims to analyze PUG and analyze the practical and strategic needs in post-tsunami PUG in Mesjid Raya Aceh Besar District. The data used in this study used primary data obtained from interview observations and questionnaires and secondary data obtained through reference books, journals, and the Central Aceh Statistics Agency. There were 86 respondents in this research. This research uses descriptive qualitative method and Moser analysis. The results showed, of the four PUG indicators namely activity, access, control, and participation, the most dominant indicator was control, because the determination of the granting of permits in conducting activities was dominated by men so that women had difficulty developing, even though women were also required to earn a living. . If it is related to gender injustice, this is included in the form of subordination. By using MOSER analysis, two activities can be formed to meet the practical and strategic needs of PUG, namely the routine socialization program on PUG which is carried out by the Government annually and routine work training once a year to develop knowledge and skills to grow entrepreneurship so that it can increase income. It is hoped that these two programs can run well and have a positive impact so as to create justice and good gender equality.
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