Effect of Consumer Perception and Preference Towards Satisfaction of Subsidiary Purchasing: Case Study of PT BSM Property
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of consumer perceptions on consumers 'decisions to buy subsidized housing products and determine the effect of preferences on consumers' decisions to buy subsidized housing. In this study using two types of data, namely primary data types and secondary data types. The research sample is 167 consumers in PT BSM property based on data in August 2019. Data analysis includes validity and reliability, descriptive analysis and SEM testing by taking seven steps of analysis. The results obtained: 1) P arameter the estimated standardized regression weight coefficient value is 0.488 and the CR value is 5.845, this shows that the relationship between consumers' perceptions with positive purchasing decisions , and ; 2) the estimated parameter value of the standardized regression weight coefficient is 0.487 and a CR value of 5.789 shows that the relationship of consumer preferences with positive purchasing decisions. Based on statistical test results that have been carried out using AMOS tools with SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method, it can be concluded that: 1) Consumer perception (Location, Product Price, Promotion, Facilities, and Image) has a positive and significant effect on the Satisfaction of subsidized housing purchase at PT BSM Central Kalimantan property, and; 2) Consumer preferences (Payment Methods, Environmental Influences, and social factors) have a positive and significant impact on the satisfaction of the purchase of subsidized housing in PT BSM Central Kalimantan property. The contribution of this research is to help developers to determine the combination of home attributes in accordance with consumer preferences and references.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i1.1345
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