Qualitative Study on Maternal Postpartum Health Care on Malayan People in Pontianak

Ummy Yuniantini, Baharuddin Bahar, Muhammad Farid, Andi Wardihan Sinrang, Anwar Mallongi, Eymal Bahsar Demmalino


The strong culture of the Malayan tribe in Pontianak has led to a way of postpartum maternal health care that is different from other tribes. This study discusses Post Partum Maternal Health Care in Malayan in Pontianak with a qualitative approach. This type of research is ethnographic. This research was conducted in East Pontianak Subdistrict, in the Malayan ethnic community in the Malay village. Key informants in this study are community leaders and postpartum mothers' informants. Data analysis in this research is data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that postpartum health care commonly practiced by Malayan people was drinking herbs and stews, using stagen, using param and pilis, then the mother's body was massaged for 40 days. There are also restrictions and suggestions during the postpartum period in Malayan people in Pontianak. This abstinence and recommendations are in the form of food consumed, activities that may and may not be carried out, and clothing that should be used during the postpartum period. This treatment is inseparable from the mystical elements of belief believed by Malayan tribes in Pontianak.


Culture; Health Care; Maternal postpartum; Malayan people

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i1.1342


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