Communication Network About Adoption Innovation of "Simpel" iB (Islamic Banking) Vocational School of Batik 1 Surakarta (Analysis of "Simpel" iB BPR Syariah Dana Mulia Savings Communication Network at SMK Batik 1 Surakarta Class AUK 1.A)

Yulindha Permatasari S.I.Kom, Dr.Sutopo .Ms, Drs.Ign. Agung Satyawan, SE,S.I.Kom,,Ph.D


This study of communication networks adopts the innovation of "simple" Islamic banking savings to see a pattern of group communication networks in a community. The purpose of this study is to study the communication patterns that occur in AUK 1.A class at SMK BATIK 1 Surakarta and play the roles required in communication networks. In Singer Research using quantitative descriptive research methods using the communication network approach. The communication network research that was revoked for review described the detailed operational structure and actors in communication networks. Diffusion of Innovation is manifested from the theory of convergence communication that became the background of the emergence of a study of communication networks. In Singer Network communication research plays a role in the process of innovation diffusion that must be proven to operate empirically. Research was conducted by 25 respondents. The analysis was carried out using sociometry to obtain communication patterns which were carried out using the Ucinet 6.0 program. From the results of this study it was concluded that the communication patterns focused only a few


Communication networks; Adoption of Innovations; Savings "Simple

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