Discriminative Stigma Against Inclusive Students in Vocational High School in Mataram, Indonesia

Murdianto Murdianto, Suparman Jayadi


Inclusive students have equal position, right, and obligation in any aspects of need; similarly in inclusive education, the disabled have rights to get reasonable education in Indonesia. This research explained Discriminative Stigma against Inclusive Students in Inclusive Education in SMK (Public Vocational High School) Negeri 5 Mataram, being the unit of analysis in this qualitative research with case study approach. The data obtained from the field through observation, in-depth interview and documentation was then analyzed using Lemert’s labeling theory. The result of research showed that discriminative stigma against inclusive students of SMK Negeri 5 Mataram, as to: firstly inclusive students get labeling and bullying based on their physical condition, considered as incapable of doing activities like the normal ones. Secondly, there is a different assessment system by teacher to inclusive students. Inclusive school is needed to interact socially without discrimination and to minimize discriminative stigma against inclusive stigma to prepare the future.


Discrimination; Labelling; Inclusive Student; Negative Stigma

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i1.1325


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